Labelle Fernand

Fernand Labelle (1934-2012)

Fernand Labelle was born in Cornwall, Ontario in 1934. He studied political science at the University of Ottawa and the Sorbonne in Paris. He then pursued pedagogical studies at the Université de Montréal and the Ontario Institute of Education. At the age of 29, he abandoned teaching, moved to Quebec and became a full-time painter. He has presented exhibitions in many countries, including Canada, the United States, France, Belgium, Germany, Australia and the Principality of Monaco.   In 1989, he became the first Canadian to exhibit his works at the Salle Basse of the Palais de la Berbie, Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi, France.   His paintings can be found in numerous private and public collections including: Alcan; Banque Royale; Banque Nationale; Banque Impérial de Commerce; Bell Canada; Banque Laurentienne; La Capitale Cie d’Assurances; Université du Québec. His is also represented in the Musée Toulouse Lautrec, Albi, France; Musée du Séminaire, Québec; Musée Régional Vaudreuil Soulanges. Labelle received several honours and awards.