Soulikias Paul

Paul Soulikias (1923-)

Born in Komotini, Thrace, Greece in 1926 but grew up in Volos, Thessaly. Paul Soulikias is a figurative artist painter with influences from expressionism. Critics have repeatedly praised his colour harmonies and composition as opposed to detail, his warm tones and personal style. Apart from the Laurentians, his work has been informed by several travels, primarily in Greece, the Northeastern United States and the Maritimes as well as from his visit to Mexico in 1982. A large number of his paintings are still lifes and portraits, chiefly female. Although the majority of his work is in oil colours, he has also worked in gouache, watercolours, charcoal and mixed media.

His paintings are shown in Montreal galleries and The Museum of Fine Arts. They are also in many public and private institutions such as the City of Montreal, Reader`s Digest, Telephone Quebec, Gazoduc TQM, ABB, The National Bank of Greece, Thirau and others, as well as in many private collections throughout Canada, the U.S.A. and Europe.